Sanyu Estelle

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God Didn't Create the Devil by Accident

Something that is all knowing cannot be unpurposeful. Within it is all intent. All “wanting to do.” And where there is no “wanting to do” there is nothing to know. Where there is nothing to know there is nothing in particular to be.

So we know that Earth ain't a no-wanting-to-do, nothing-particular-to-be-ass planet. Because there's a lot to do, want to do, be and want to be here. We ain't the species we have become for a lack of questioning, though inquiry would probably do us more justice.

All that is to say that God didn't create the Devil by accident because fundamentally, theoretically and purposefully, God would be incapable of doing anything without intent. Even if God's intent wasn't known to God before the moment of the act, as soon as the act materialized into being-knowing through spontaneous action . . . God would then instantaneously be knowing why that spontaneous action was a happening.

Now, the standard representation that we construct about time (on most of the present day globalized Earth) is that it is "linear” in perspective. A linearity dominated culture must then assume from that perspective that “one thing can only follow another.” Yet this cosmology assumes a continuity or homogeneity of experience that fundamentally cannot be taken for granted.

I bring this up because I suspect the assumption is that if God was “10 gazillion years” old (I know but go with me here) and accidentally made the Devil out of an ally by not properly assessing the power dynamics at play between them, then it was simply all a terrible mistake that the Devil has the opportunity to be such an unforgivable insufferable asshat obstacle.

Proximity to “Pure" or “Evil” simply becomes a momentum argument in a velocity echo chamber (or vortex). For a single point has a 360° perspective and so it can never actually be wholly of a linear context. When you are centered you understand vantage is truly relative. Just contingent upon what places/points you are inhabiting along a circuitous (and so infinite) spectrum.

A multi-dimensional perspective would know that an infinite loop must create feedback of some sort at some point simply because movement creates friction no matter how subtle or unperceivable to the senses it may appear. So from this perspective if there is more than one reality it is simply because that must be the process of infinite (dynamic) motion (energy). Because it is what is.

The linearity of perspective doesn't allow for reality in more than one direction at a time, so maturity in the moment that isn't directly respondent to the obvious circumstantial dynamics remains unimagined, “impossible,” “evil" or unactualized.

Thus, we do not imagine that God could be drawing from the awareness of being “10 gazillion years” old in one moment, but then in the very next moment (based on action/reaction) has the ability to consider the circumstances by drawing from the awareness of being “7 billion gazillion years" old, but then in the very next moment (based on action/reaction) has the ability to consider the circumstances by drawing from the awareness of being “88 million 99 billion gazillion years" old, but then in the next moment . . . ad infinitum, you get the point.

Being both within and outside of time, subject to space and beyond space, we can know that God is paradox. But also that paradox is both dynamic and chaotic. We are drawn to dynamic energy because it seems controlled. We are repelled from chaotic energy because it seems uncontrollable. And yet neither is true. And yet neither is a lie. And yet both co-exist. So here we are.

God didn't create the Devil by accident. God chose the Devil by believing in it. Constructing the opposite only from ideas created by imagining the self can’t be anything other from what it is: CONNECTED TO ITSELF ALL WAYS ALWAYS. This is the God Paradox and the God Power. This is what gave birth to Prometheus and Pro-madness. Can we find nobility in the role of “The Devil” or are we just doomed to despise it?

There is no ultimate other. There is no ultimate opposite. There is no ultimate evil. There is, ultimately, no thing that is meaningless or unimbued with purpose. But there are the multidimensional methods of integrating or separating All That Is, To Itself. And then there is the discernment gathered on such a journey of discovery.

Only sometimes we call the understanding of that navigation of experience “Heaven,” and insist on calling our lack of understanding of navigating that experience “Hell.” Yet both ideas arise or flourish within our self, and it is only from the perspective of self that any of us can claim to know what's real to begin with.

Subtext: All the things we choose to believe in have to be good enough for us to accept first.

Image: Manzel's Tarot